CPNN (Culture of Peace News Network) bulletin of November 1, 2016


Renewable sources of electricity overtook coal last year to become the largest source of installed capacity in the world, according to the International Energy Agency.

A recent graph is spectacular showing how the cost of solar energy has come down while the volume deployed has gone up. In 1975 a silicon solar energy module cost over $50 per watt, while now it is less than $1 per watt. The milliwatts installed have risen from 1 to 115,000 ! Since 2000 the deployment of solar has doubled seven times.

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Antoinette Montaigne: “The Central African Republic needs quickly the Truth, Justice, Reparation, Reconciliation Commission to rebuild the Living Together.”

Antoinette Montaigne, Former Minister of National Reconciliation in the Central African Republic

Justice, national reconciliation in the Central African Republic, living together, secularism. These are themes that today are questioning the French, but they also concern many countries. The Central African Republic is hardly emerging from a period of near-civil war and, at the very least, anarchy. France intervened with Operation Sangaris and the international community with the device of the Minusca.

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CPNN (Culture of Peace News Network) bulletin of September 1, 2016


Once again this month, we find cities in the lead for the various componens of a culture of peace, including sustainable development, tolerance and solidarity, democratic participation, peace activism and disarmament.

Before going into detail, we should celebrate the formal signing of the peace accord for Colombia, which has been under negotiation for several years and which has been followed, step-by-step, by CPNN, as well as the progress towards a peace accord to end 47 years of war between the government of the Philippines and the communist movement National Democratic Front.

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Call for Signature of the Petition for the Creation of an Appropriate United Nations Structure for the Inter-Religious and Intercultural Dialogue for Peace and Development

A little more than a year ago, on the impetus of Professor Albert Tévoédjrè, African academic, politician of Benin, President and founder of the Pan-African Center for Prospective Social Studies (CPPS), former Special Representative of the Secretary General of the UN in Côte d 'Ivoire, renowned personalities from diverse backgrounds: culture, social commitment and varied professional experiences agreed to take over with the government of Benin international support for the African Education Initiative peace and development through inter-religious and intercultural dialogue.

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Workshop on Validation of the Feasibility Study on the Panafrican School of Peace

The validation workshop for the feasibility study on the Panafrican Peace School was held on 20 and 21 June 2016 at our headquarters in Yamoussoukro. Placed under the patronage of the Ivorian State, it was organized by our institution in partnership with UNESCO and the African Union. In addition to the three organizing entities, the workshop was attended by the following institutions and structures:

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